Thursday, February 25, 2010
1 person who is intresting in my family
1 person who is intresting in my family is my grandma. I would say its my grandma cause she keeps our family together. 1 thing thats great about my grandma is her cooking she cooks for everyone including the hoildays not to mention how tasty it is!. Another thing about my grandma is that she is very hard working she does the laundry and cleans plus shes only 67 years old with 14 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren and if i had to take care of that many people lord knows i wouldve quit already but my grandma hasn't quit which shows shes very confident and strong willed. She is also very caring she is always helping my family and everyone else. so yea 1 intresting person would defently be my grandma.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sharks are big,mean and most of all dangerous!!. There are many types of sharks like tiger shark,hammer head shark and the worst 1 the great white shark!!. The most dangerous shark is the great white hmmmm i guess thats y they call it the great white. The great white is so tough that he don't need 2 put up a fight 2 kill u all he or she has 2 do is bite u 1 more time and then a little after thats it your dead. Plus the great white is so huge it can eat u with 1 bite whole!. Im just happy that a great white don't really attack humans or else a lot of ppl would be in trouble!!. Also i guess you can call sharks night hunters too since they mostly hunt at night.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Game addiction

1 reason I guy some one would be addicted to games cause most of the time a person feels more loved or important in a game. For example lets say your a dork in high school no one likes you and you feel left out in most games your important you have friends and people care about you which then makes the person feel better feel better bout his or her life and immediately makes them want to play more. Another example is say you lost everything in your life family,money,house is a game you have most of those things and more. Also say you feel like n one understands you and you feel alone you goto your online friends and then you feel like your not alone anymore. Another reason is say your not athletic or in other terms you think your not good at anything in a game you can do anything and everything.
5 ways to tell your addicted to a game play it for an extremely long time like a day or 2
2. you talk about it all the time
3. you don't eat,sleep or take a shower. do nothing else but play the game can only think about the game all day
6. you feel tired almost all the time
7. you feel confused about real things like marriage or the economy or school.
Monday, February 22, 2010
1 memorable time in my life
1 of my most memorable moments in my life was when I first meet my two little brothers. At first I didn't know what to do cause i was always the youngest brother so i had no experience. I was really confused on what to do so i tryed doing what my older sister and brother did to me.....didn't work at all!!. Then i sorta spoiled them by trying to give them everything they wanted.....also didn't work!!!. Then i asked my dad and belive it or not him telling me what to do actually helped! after that i started paying video games with my brothers, watching tvv with them even playing football with them!. So yea meeting my brothers is probably 1 of the most memorable things that ever happen to me.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
exoskeleton my invention

my invention is an exoskeleton an exoskeleton is like a body armor that improves a humans ability's by 10 or at least 5 percent. The exo skeleton i think will make people a lot happyer cause then they would be stronger and faster and finish work faster without being as tired. The exoskeleton basically goes on your body and it immediately makes u stronger faster without making u strain yourself ands makes you less tired. It can help with sports, making food ,raising a family and doing work. The exoskeleton not only increases your body power but also your brain power. Which means the exoskeleton will also make you ten times smarter. And the last but not least part of the exoskeleton is a built in food and water supply. This feature is used only in case of emergency's in case some one ins starving or is lost in the woods deserts or mountains or in the middle of the sea. Also can't swim? don't worry the exoskeleton has a build in system that will immediately find the closest beach or any place that has land and will automatically take you there. Also are you scared to be alone in the woods? all u have to do is go in battle mood and your ready to fight anything don't know how to fight? don't worry the exoskeleton will then fight for you.That is my invention and who knows? maybe I'll add a jet pack to!.
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