Friday, June 11, 2010
war simulations
it helps a solider know what will happen in real combat good or bad. It teaches them what to hit and what not to hit. it also prevents helps captains or commanders learn how to command their squad better. Also no one gets hurt and you don't have to go anywhere
2. What do you think this technology will look like in 10 years?
I think in 10 years their will be just 1 room and when you enter it it'll be like your fighting the enemy in real life and it will look extremly realistic. It'll make it feel like your going through mountains and forest and swiming through oceans.
Bottled water ban
no because bottled water is just tap water in plastic bottles.
2) How is bottled water made? Where does it go after you throw the bottle away?
it goes to land fills where they will be for many years to come.
3) What can you do to help solve the bottled water problem?
tell people the truth about bottled water and show them why tap is better.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Learn to Be a Rock Star
I'm at a new school. Its name is “The Tristan School for Rock Stars.” The courses here are nice!
My first assignment is to learn to play the drums and sing like a rock star. To be a good rock star, I'm supposed to playing around a lot, to runing across the stage, and to jumping at the audience. I did not act like that at my old school, so I think I'll have to work on it for a while; this will be interesting homework.
My second assignment is to learn to have an entourage, which is a group of people that always seems to follow around a rock star. I have a lot of friends, but for this assignment I suddenly have 12345 people following me around, telling me how big I am, how they really like my jacket, and how I am the most long person ever. I can't be sure, but I think they are just saying that.
My final assignment is to put on a rock concert. I have to arrive in a(n) motorcycle and walk the red carpet, past all the breathing fans with cameras flashing in my face. Then, when I get inside, my entourage will be there and I will eating with them to the stage. Next, I'll perform 2 songs, all while punching across the stage, singing, and kicking at the audience. This will be the toughest final exam I've ever had, and the one I'll never forget!
Monday, April 26, 2010
My iron man
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
interveiw joel about proflie penalty
-What information and images are OK to post? What’s not OK to post? i dont know how to explain it so just don't so nasty stuff
-Have you ever posted something online that embarrassed you or got you into trouble? nope
-Is there any way to guarantee complete privacy when you post things online? no
-How might things you post online affect your future? yup because a lot of important people look at your profile and they might not be impressed.
Friday, April 9, 2010
a) Are you someone who normally listens to music while studying? Why or why not?
I do some times because some music that I listen to really helps i don't know why but he just helps me understands things better.
b) During the Techbrarian Distraction Test was there any type of music that distracted you more than others? If so, explain why.
I would say the raping was the hardest for me cause it was very loud and hard to concentrate.
I think listening to music only helps me when i am reading a story or study not with math cause math is kinda hard for me.
Friday, April 2, 2010
my story
The day was February 19th the day had been long and hard and exhausting. I started to walk out the gym I go to the gym twice a day. As I walked out the gym I saw Ben my best friend coming out from the store next to the gym. "Hey doing your daily gym time?" he said to me as I walked to him "yea I need to stay fit if imma be a boxer 1 day" I replied. "Cmon follow me I wanna show you something you might like" he said as he walked away "OK" I said as i followed him/ Ben basically was my best friend ever since I got into high school he helped me big one time when I got into a fight with three guys cause they were talking about my mom. He was the only one to help me. Since then we've been best friends always watching each others backs. I followed him down the street then I turned the corner and four blocks down "where are we going?" I asked after walking four blocks "were here" he said with a smile. He stopped and looked in front of the building I stopped and looked at it too. It was a building with a boxing ring and a coach waiting in it "no way!" I said with excitement "yea way" Ben said with a smile. My heart was racing day dream after day dream after day dream came into my head. We entered the ring together and was greeted by a man wearing a grey sweater aka the coach. "you must be the new guys" he said as he shaked our hands . He was young probably Bens age and his hand shake was strong and firm sorta like a presidents. "Well now that you guys are here get suited up" he said to us as he handed us our boxer shorts and gloves. He also gave us mouth guards. We got suited up. I feelt so energetic I finally looked like a boxer. We entered the ring and started on the basics. The way the coach taught us was very unusual. He would show us the basics by hitting us with them. Then he told us to do the basics on each other. He said it was to teach us to endure pain and believe it or not it actually worked we actually got used to the pain. Unfortunately the day ended we left the building and said our goodbyes to the coach. "Well I have to go home or else my cousins will kill each other" Ben said soon after the coach left. "hahaha OK cya later man" I replied as he started to walk away. "You be careful OK" he said waving goodbye "OK" I said walking away. Now I know what YOUR thinking normally that's what a dad says or mom. Unfortunately for me I had no mom and my dad was well......a bum to put it basically. My mom died after i was born and after that day my dad decided not to do work anymore. All he ever does is look at pictures of my mom and sit and watch tv. I can understand hes lost some one dear to him but thats no reason to take it out on me!!!. Also he drinks A LOT he thinks he can hide it from me but i see when he sneaks out the house and the way he beated me when i was a little kid. So yea i would feel bad for my dad if he wasn't so MEAN and he actually did work for once!!!. But thats enough about my dad its time for me to get back to my story. I started heading home as i walked all i could think about was boxing day dreams like me wining the championship or something like that. I keep my head high in the air.....which probably wasn't the best idea cause then i bumped into some one by accident. As i got back up i reached out my hand to help her up "sorry about that" the stranger took my hand and got up. "Its ok" i could then tell it was a girl by the sound of her voice. She looked at me and smiled and oh my god was she beautiful!!!!. She had long black her and the way she stared at me with them beautiful blue eyes gave me a sudden warm feeling in my heart. For a moment i was speechless staring at her beauty but a few seconds later i was able to talk again "again im really sorry i should've watched where i was going" i said still staring at her as if she was a goddess. "Its alright im bumping into people all the time anyway" she said giggling a bit. "soooo whats your name?" she said me with that angel voice of hers and first i was stammering a bit cause well with a girl that beautiful of course your gonna be nervous and don't you read this and say "well i wouldn't be nervous" cause i know for a fact that if you saw her no matter how tough or bad you would've stammered to!!. "um...well my names Carlos luis" i said blushing a little. "cool my names maria nice to meet you Carlos" all i could think at this moment was THANK YOU GOD!!!. Then we started walking with each other we didn't know where but i think at that moment we didn't really care. We walked all around the city talking,laughing and smiling at each other a lot. She seemed like the greatest person i ever met we both had a lot in common to. We both liked rock music we both like nice funny people, we also perfered nature to city and most important we both agreed that if we liked some one we wouldn't care about what they looked like or mistakes they may have made in the past we agreed we would like then for who they are and for what their doing now it was kinda funny talking about liking people cause i think we were starting to like our self's. "We'll i have to go or else my brother and mom will get mad" she said sounding a little sad. "Thats alright" i said smiling at her trying to make her a little happier. "can you walk me home?" she said blushing a little bit "sure" i said smiling even more. I then started walking her home when we finally got to her apartment door she stopped me. "Something wrong?" i asked her confused "no its not that" she said for some reason looking and blushing a lot. "Then whats wron-" suddenly before i could finished she kissed me. For a while i was extremely surprised but a few seconds later while she was still kissing me i thought in my head "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE KISS HER!!!!" then i started to kiss back. About two minutes later she stopped. She started to blush a lot i could see that was either her first kiss or one of them. I hugged her and i felt her hug back then she looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back "well bye i can't wait to see you tomorrow" she said walking into the building still looking at me smiling "same" i said smiling back starting on my way home. As I walked back home all I could think about was maria her long black hair her soft lips and beautiful eyes. I walked into the building and went in the door. My father like always was siting in the chair watching tv doing nothing. "Where you been" he asked me still looking at the TV . "I was just with ben alright" i said not looking at him "what are you in love with that guy? hang with some one new!" he said harshly i could tell he was a little drunk. "Leave me alone" i said walking into my room. I put all my stuff away and layed down on my bed still thinking about maria. Befor i knew it i was fast asleep dreaming about her. The only thing that woke me up was my hungry. I got out the room and made myself something to eat having no mother to cook for you and a father who does nothing all day really teaches you how to cook. As i made myself something to eat i could hear my father snoring and his stomach growling. And well im not totally bad or evil so i made him something to eat and left it next to him. I ate my food then fell asleep again. The alram woke me up next morning after i woke up ate breakfast and got dressed i headed out and started on my way to the gym. I meet ben there waiting for me. "What took you so long?" he asked me as i approached him "sorry man i was busy yesturday and i got home late" "what you mean by busy" he asked me laughing a bit. I decided since ben was my best friend ever i could tell him anything so i told him everything that happened. I told him about how i met maria and how i couldn't stop thinking bout her. "Wow man when did you become a ladys man? hahaha" "haha shut up man" i said punching him in the arm. "Are you to ladys done so we can start?" the coach said coming up to us "yea we ready" we both said as we got ready and started pratcing. Then when we were taking a break i looked at the entrance and i couldn't believe who i saw it was my worst enemy ever jorge. You rember whow i told you how i got into a fight cause some one was talkin bout my mom well now you know who was talkin bout my mom and if you don't know it was jorge. Back in school jorge was the bully he picked on everyone even the cool kids and no one ever did anything for years i hoped some one would stop him but no one ever did. "Whats he doing here?" i asked ben a little angry "don't know and im not sure if i care just try to not let him get to you ok man" he said to me pating my back "i'll try" i said calming down. But things just got worse as he came straight up to me. "Well well well look who it is if it isn't little puny carlos" he said to me i didn't say anything back. "Whats the matter puny carlos cat got your tounge or somthin?" "just leave me alone alright" I said walking away. "I bet thats the same thing your mom would say" he shouted at me i turned around immedetly. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY MOM!!!" I yelled at him "OH YEA WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT" I went closer to him geting ready to just punch him but just then ben steped in and broke us up. "Hey this is a gym not a fighting arena alright" he said to both of us "whatever your wasting my time anyway" jorge said walking to his little corner with his punching bag. I walked into the ring angry and ready to fight "calm down man its over" ben said pating my back. After pratice i started on my way home hood on looking at the ground. I looked up and i saw maria in the corner looking like she was looking for me. We started walking to my house together and she made my day all better making me happy and forgeting all about jorge. When we got to the front of the builing we started saying our goodbye. "awwww why does the day have to end" she said huging me tight " i know right it sucks" i said huging her back. Just then jorge who was walking all around the place saw us just when we started kissing. "MARIA!!!" he yelled she looked at him then backed away from me a little bit then he looked at me angry. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING KISSING MY SISTER?!!?" he screamed at me then thats when i got angry "OK ONE I DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS YOUR SISTER AND TWO SHUT UP!!" then he grabed marias hand started taking her away but it wasn't like i was just gonna let him take her away from me so i took her other hand. "stop please!" maria said then we both let go. She came up to me and gave me a kiss "i'll say tommorrow ok" she whispered in my ear" "ok" i whisper back "love you" "love you too" then her and jorge started walking away. As i went up the stairs and into the room all I think was how came some one as great as maria be related to a guy like jorge. When i entered the room i slamed the door. "Whats got you so mad?" my father asked me "not now alright" i said heading straight for my room. After that everything just went normal of course i made the dinner then i decided to walk around with ben. I put on my jacket and pants then headed outside. I met ben at the park across from my building we started walking and talking when suddenly jorge came up. "What do you want" i said to him geting a little angry. Suddenly he pulled out a pistol i could see this was gonna end in some one geting hurt. "Now look you my sister means everything to me and im not gonna let you hurt her like all her boyfriends have!!" he said pointing the pistol at us. "Look jorge i know we'v had our diffrence in the past but i swear i would never do anything to try and hurt your sister" i said trying to step foward a bit "SHUT UP YOU LIER!!" he said shaking the gun at me then i back up back to where i was. "All of my sisters boyfriends didn't like my sister for who she want but what she looked like!!" he said geting more and more angry suddenly a crowd was starting as people wondered what was going on. "Look jorge i promise you i would never try to hurt her! i love her!" i tryed to convince him but jorge refused to listen. Seeing this was going no where ben tryed to take the gun from jorge he tackled him as he was falling to the ground jorge shot the gun and hit ben in the leg. "BEN!!" i yelled then jorge got back up but forgot to pick up the gun after looking at my best friend on the floor bleeding i punched jorge in the face without thinking. Then he did a left hook on my rib then i hit him in the face with an uppercut after that he punched me staight in my face then i slamed him to the ground. Then we both started hiting each other in the chest and ribs. Then i decided to get back on my feet after i did jorge got straight up and grabed my head. I hit him in the ribs while he hit my back then i broke out of his head lock and hit him two times in the face then he gave me a hard uppercut to the face. We backed away from each for a sec then at the same time we punched each in the face. After that my head was spining and we were both still standing i got on my knees and he came up to me with the gun to my face. But just when it seemed he was gonna shot he fell to the ground bleeding. I turned my head all i saw was people gasping then i saw maria checking on ben and jorge then me. "Are you ok?" she asked all of us only ben was able to answer her then she took out her phone and called 911. Then everything went black and i feelt my body hit the hard ground. I don't know how long it took my to wake up but eventually i did i opened my eyes and i saw jorge in a bed to my left and maria and ben siting next to me. "Hey" they both said to me "you took quite a beating you know that?" "yea i know". then ben went to go get the cast for his leg and maria went to the bathroom. "Im sorry" i looked to my left to see jorge say that "im sorry bout everything i just didn't want my sis to get hurt again you know?" he said looking back at me "yea i know don't worry i'll take good care of her" "i know u will your diffrent than her past boyfriends" "thanks" "so we cool?" he said reaching out his hand "yea we cool" i said shaking it". Just then a my coach and the person who i never would've expected to visit me my dad came. "Hey kid" my coach said to me "hey" "i saw the whole fight you got skills kid maybe one day you will be a champion" "thanks coach" then the coach said goodbye and left. Then my dad sat next to me "son i need to talk to you" he said to me looking straight at my face. Then he told me how he was gonna be a better dad and how he was so sorry for everything that he did and how everyday he wished he could take it all back he said all this while crying. Then i huged him crying a little bit myself he huged back "you mother would've been proud of you son im sure of it" he said holding my head. Well thats my story after that day everything got a whole lot better me and jorge became new best friend my dad stoped drinking and started helping me with the house and starting caring about me true after that shot in his leg ben got paralyzed but he's still the best friend i ever had. About a year and a half later i asked maria to marry me and just like i hoped she said yes. Our wedding was fantastic and maria looked sooo beautiful. After the marriage coach helped me become a pro boxer and belive or not i became the champ!!. Well now im the champ of boxing me and maria have two kids one boy one girl i still have m best friend ben my new best friends coach and jorge and my new loving caring dad. And trust me this is a life i would never want to change. I am Carlos luias and this is my stroy hoped you enjoyed it.
Friday, March 19, 2010
remote control world
1. How is fighting an enemy with predator drones different from fighting hand-to-hand combat? How is it similar?
i believe that its different because if your home at still killing other people and still be able to see your family it takes away the worry that you might not come back and its safer in hand to hand combat there's a really good possibility that you will die and never see your family. Its also simliar cause thenyour still killing people and at war.
2. Is fair to fight with predator drones when your enemy doesn’t have that technology?
I believe that if they attacked us first then it is fair cause if they can catch us off guard why can't we catch them off guard?
3. Would you be interested in flying predator drones for the military? Why or why not?
I think i would cause it seems like i wouldn't have to worry bout dieing and never seeing my family plus i think i would be better doing technology than hand to hand
Friday, March 5, 2010
1. What were the most interesting parts in this documentary?
3. Do different pierces say different things about people? For example, does having your ears pierced say something different then having an eyebrow ring?
i don't think so cause its still a piercing no matter where it is
4. is there such a thing as to many piercings?
yes i think because there are people who have piercings all over there face and it looks really wrong.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Game addction
yes cause games are very funny and fun to play and to pass the time.
2. What happens in treatment centers for gaming addiction in south korea?
students are giving counseling and can't use any type of technoldgy for 10 days or more.
3. What were some diffrences you noticed between american culture and south korean culture?
I think we are not as addctied to games as they are plus we didn't call game addtcion a disease.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
1 person who is intresting in my family
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sharks are big,mean and most of all dangerous!!. There are many types of sharks like tiger shark,hammer head shark and the worst 1 the great white shark!!. The most dangerous shark is the great white hmmmm i guess thats y they call it the great white. The great white is so tough that he don't need 2 put up a fight 2 kill u all he or she has 2 do is bite u 1 more time and then a little after thats it your dead. Plus the great white is so huge it can eat u with 1 bite whole!. Im just happy that a great white don't really attack humans or else a lot of ppl would be in trouble!!. Also i guess you can call sharks night hunters too since they mostly hunt at night.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Game addiction

1 reason I guy some one would be addicted to games cause most of the time a person feels more loved or important in a game. For example lets say your a dork in high school no one likes you and you feel left out in most games your important you have friends and people care about you which then makes the person feel better feel better bout his or her life and immediately makes them want to play more. Another example is say you lost everything in your life family,money,house is a game you have most of those things and more. Also say you feel like n one understands you and you feel alone you goto your online friends and then you feel like your not alone anymore. Another reason is say your not athletic or in other terms you think your not good at anything in a game you can do anything and everything.
5 ways to tell your addicted to a game play it for an extremely long time like a day or 2
2. you talk about it all the time
3. you don't eat,sleep or take a shower. do nothing else but play the game can only think about the game all day
6. you feel tired almost all the time
7. you feel confused about real things like marriage or the economy or school.
Monday, February 22, 2010
1 memorable time in my life
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
exoskeleton my invention

my invention is an exoskeleton an exoskeleton is like a body armor that improves a humans ability's by 10 or at least 5 percent. The exo skeleton i think will make people a lot happyer cause then they would be stronger and faster and finish work faster without being as tired. The exoskeleton basically goes on your body and it immediately makes u stronger faster without making u strain yourself ands makes you less tired. It can help with sports, making food ,raising a family and doing work. The exoskeleton not only increases your body power but also your brain power. Which means the exoskeleton will also make you ten times smarter. And the last but not least part of the exoskeleton is a built in food and water supply. This feature is used only in case of emergency's in case some one ins starving or is lost in the woods deserts or mountains or in the middle of the sea. Also can't swim? don't worry the exoskeleton has a build in system that will immediately find the closest beach or any place that has land and will automatically take you there. Also are you scared to be alone in the woods? all u have to do is go in battle mood and your ready to fight anything don't know how to fight? don't worry the exoskeleton will then fight for you.That is my invention and who knows? maybe I'll add a jet pack to!.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
reveiw for water life the game
Friday, January 8, 2010
if today was my last day
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Dirty water
a) Name one way water sources become contaminated in 3rd world countries?
from people throwing trash in the water thats 1 way
from people peeing and pooping on the ground thats 2 way
b) What are the dangers of water contamination?
many people can die of diarrhea from water contamination
c) Describe (in your own words) an invention that can save people from drinking contaminated water?
I think the invention life straw is a good way since it cleans the water people drink thus not giving them diarrhea
d) Why do you think everyone in 3rd world countries do not have these inventions?
because these inventions cost too much for the people to buy