The person I am writing about is Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play baseball. However I bet you didn't know that Jackie Robinson was also a football player, a basketball player, and a soldier. Jackie Robinson had a rough childhood (like many people). When he was born, his dad left him, his mom, sisters, and brother and was chasing another woman. When Jackie Robinson was in the war, he met a nurse who he soon fell in love with. He then quit the army and graduated from college. He was inspired by his older brother to play major league baseball. He went on to join the Dodgers, but first he had to play with the Montreal Royals. Ricky (who put him on the Montreal Royals) told Jackie not to fight racism and Jackie told him he wouldn't. While Jackie was on the Dodgers, his teammates objected about having a black man on their team and wanted to test his skills. Every time Jackie was on the field or was up to bat people would laugh at him and threaten his family. Even though Jackie was mad about this racism he still had an outstanding start with the Dodgers. His batting average was .349 and a field average of .985. However the racism still did not stop other teams from threatening not to play against the Dodgers. Some of the Dodgers even threatened not to play, but the manager said he would rather trade them than Robinson. However, not everyone was racist. Some (mostly black people) fought for Jackie to play. Even white people fought for him to play. Even though people still threatened him and his family, Jackie was determined to show everyone how good of an athlete a black person can be. In Jackie’s first year, he hit twelve home runs and was awarded the national league's most valuable player. Jackie became a hero. Soon many people kept saying "did you see Jackie Robinson hit that ball?” In the year 1955 he really showed everyone what he can do. He lead the Dodgers to victory at the world series. He also helped them win the pennant. Soon Jackie was traded to the New York Giants. Shortly after that he retired. Jackie made history so many times, but his biggest time was when he was the first black man to be entered in the hall of fame. Unfortunately he had heart attacks and died, but he will always be remembered as a hero to all of us. Thank you for reading my story. I hope you have learned much about Jackie Robinson.
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Good article and good topic.
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