Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Green Gorilla
I have just heard about what happens paper bags. And I think that its just plain sad for small animals in the ocean for thinking that it is food. I personally think that we should stop this right now if you want to help me then spread the word.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Dear Petland
Dear Petland
I think it is really think its really great that you save Dogs but look at the way the way you guys are treating THEM!!!. I find this very offensive (Because I have a dog) I think we should do something TO STOP THEM!!!. I case you don't know they are put puting dogs in small cages and because of this the dogs can easy get sick. I think we should do something about this so please help me support the shelters Please if you really care about dogs help me spread the word.
I think it is really think its really great that you save Dogs but look at the way the way you guys are treating THEM!!!. I find this very offensive (Because I have a dog) I think we should do something TO STOP THEM!!!. I case you don't know they are put puting dogs in small cages and because of this the dogs can easy get sick. I think we should do something about this so please help me support the shelters Please if you really care about dogs help me spread the word.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Nasty concoction
If I could mix 3 nasty things it would be an anchovie, onions and a spinach sandwich. I would first tell my nephew to eat it because I really and I mean REALLY don't like him. Would you eat that? I wouldn't. I would tell my EVIL nephew "Kenny, I dare you to eat this sandwich" and because he says he can do anything I would enjoy (and be a little gross out) looking at him eat it all and barf. He would barf because I would secretly put worms and snails in the sandwich too.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Jackie robinson

The person I am writing about is Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play baseball. However I bet you didn't know that Jackie Robinson was also a football player, a basketball player, and a soldier. Jackie Robinson had a rough childhood (like many people). When he was born, his dad left him, his mom, sisters, and brother and was chasing another woman. When Jackie Robinson was in the war, he met a nurse who he soon fell in love with. He then quit the army and graduated from college. He was inspired by his older brother to play major league baseball. He went on to join the Dodgers, but first he had to play with the Montreal Royals. Ricky (who put him on the Montreal Royals) told Jackie not to fight racism and Jackie told him he wouldn't. While Jackie was on the Dodgers, his teammates objected about having a black man on their team and wanted to test his skills. Every time Jackie was on the field or was up to bat people would laugh at him and threaten his family. Even though Jackie was mad about this racism he still had an outstanding start with the Dodgers. His batting average was .349 and a field average of .985. However the racism still did not stop other teams from threatening not to play against the Dodgers. Some of the Dodgers even threatened not to play, but the manager said he would rather trade them than Robinson. However, not everyone was racist. Some (mostly black people) fought for Jackie to play. Even white people fought for him to play. Even though people still threatened him and his family, Jackie was determined to show everyone how good of an athlete a black person can be. In Jackie’s first year, he hit twelve home runs and was awarded the national league's most valuable player. Jackie became a hero. Soon many people kept saying "did you see Jackie Robinson hit that ball?” In the year 1955 he really showed everyone what he can do. He lead the Dodgers to victory at the world series. He also helped them win the pennant. Soon Jackie was traded to the New York Giants. Shortly after that he retired. Jackie made history so many times, but his biggest time was when he was the first black man to be entered in the hall of fame. Unfortunately he had heart attacks and died, but he will always be remembered as a hero to all of us. Thank you for reading my story. I hope you have learned much about Jackie Robinson.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
dog abuse
If you have not heard people are forcing dogs to fight, I for one can not stand this (especially because I have a dog). People are keeping dogs chained in the back yard and starving them to death. They are also letting their dogs get hurt like they let them lose a leg and are not doing anything about it. If you want to do someing about animals being abuse, go to this website.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Buyers remorse
My most expensive thing I ever bought and I wish I hadn't was my cable box because it has no signal and it is always acting up. It was good for my old TV but not my new one. It also makes my computer not work. It annoys me and everyone in my family when they come to my house.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My realistic-fiction narrative
My story is about a young man name Ryu( pronounced Ree-yu) a skilled kung fu fu fighter looking for vengance. Ryu story starts long ago in a hidden village. Ryus father and mother where inside their house. "He is such a beautiful child" said Ryus mother "he will also be a great warrior" said Ryus father. Ryu was part of a race of warriors who were gifted kung fu fighters Ryu was next in line. However fate had different plans for at that moment Bison appeared. Bison was part of another race that was jeolous of Ryus. Bison attack Ryus father and killed him Ryus mother ran away but when Bison was near she gave here son to strangers "protect this baby please" she said as she cryed. The strangers took the baby and ran then Bison killed Ryus mother. Now Bison searches for Ryu to kill him Ryu on the other hand was raised in another small village were his legand begain. While Ryu was growing up he devolped a taste for kung fu he soon entered a dojo. His teachers imedetly saw that Ryu was a gifted not aware of his race. He entered tourerments and was named champion of the village by the time he was 21 Ryu was the most populor guy in the village. One day Ryu was walking and then BAM he had accidently made someone fall down. "Im sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" he apologized "its okay" the woman said Ryu looked up and he saw the most beautiful girl he ever saw. She had blond hair like the sun and the face of an angel Ryu was speechless. "are you okay?" she asked but Ryu was to busy looking at her to pay attion then a voice made Ryu
come to his senses. "he sis why are you sitting down with your boyfreind?" said Tom Tom was the girls brother. " oh Tom his not my boy friend I just met him" she said "my name is Ryu" Ryu said as he and the girl got up "my name is Stepanie" she said softly. Then after that one Bump Ryu and Stepanie started going out and Tom didn't mind he thought his sis needed a boy friend anyway. Ryu and Tom became good freinds Ryu even taught Stepanie and Tom some kung fu!. One day Ryu and Stepanie were walking and then they both bump into someone. Ryu look up he saw a man with kung fu outfit just like his except in red. He was also with a girl with black hair an jeans. "sorry" Ryu said "its okay" the stanger said "my name is Ken and this is Jean" "hi" she said behind Ken. Soon after Ryu and Ken became good friends the love to spar with each other they considered themselfs even. One day when they were all walking to Ryus house his parents or so he thought stop them. "Ryu we need to talk" said Ryus "mother" so Ryus parents told Ryu the truth and Ken soon revealed Bison had the same thing to him. So Ryu,Stepanie,Tom,Ken and Jean all went on a Journey to Defeat Bison. "Stepanie Tom you don't have to come" Ryu said when they were halve way there. "Nether do you Jean" said Ken they replied "we now we just want to go". Then they got to Bisons palace only to find Bison waiting for them. "so Ryu and Ken you finally come out of hideing" Bison chuckled. "we are afraid of you no more Bison" Ryu and Ken shouted just then a man came and revealed he was Bisons apprentice. "Ryu,Ken go after Bison I will handel this guy" Tom told Ryu and Ken. Then Tom and Bisons apprentece fought after a bloody battle Tom was victorys however when Tom declared victory Bison hit him with a sword. "I would make you my apprentice but your kindness is to strong" Bison said as he went into his castle. Ryu stared and at his best friend dieing he wanted to take him to the hospital but Tom said "no Ryu you and Ken must get Bison Stepanie and Jean will take me there". After that Ryu and Ken fought Bison the great battle lasted 9 hours but in the end Ryu an Ken were victorys. After a long day Ryu and Ken parted ways "im sure we will see each other again" Ken said. Then we walked with Jean into the sunset Ryu then visted Tom. He was okay and would out of the hospital in weeks Ryu and Stepanie were then married and had a son. Who would grow to be a hero but with every hero comes a villan. So that ends my story Hoped you enjoyed it.
come to his senses. "he sis why are you sitting down with your boyfreind?" said Tom Tom was the girls brother. " oh Tom his not my boy friend I just met him" she said "my name is Ryu" Ryu said as he and the girl got up "my name is Stepanie" she said softly. Then after that one Bump Ryu and Stepanie started going out and Tom didn't mind he thought his sis needed a boy friend anyway. Ryu and Tom became good freinds Ryu even taught Stepanie and Tom some kung fu!. One day Ryu and Stepanie were walking and then they both bump into someone. Ryu look up he saw a man with kung fu outfit just like his except in red. He was also with a girl with black hair an jeans. "sorry" Ryu said "its okay" the stanger said "my name is Ken and this is Jean" "hi" she said behind Ken. Soon after Ryu and Ken became good friends the love to spar with each other they considered themselfs even. One day when they were all walking to Ryus house his parents or so he thought stop them. "Ryu we need to talk" said Ryus "mother" so Ryus parents told Ryu the truth and Ken soon revealed Bison had the same thing to him. So Ryu,Stepanie,Tom,Ken and Jean all went on a Journey to Defeat Bison. "Stepanie Tom you don't have to come" Ryu said when they were halve way there. "Nether do you Jean" said Ken they replied "we now we just want to go". Then they got to Bisons palace only to find Bison waiting for them. "so Ryu and Ken you finally come out of hideing" Bison chuckled. "we are afraid of you no more Bison" Ryu and Ken shouted just then a man came and revealed he was Bisons apprentice. "Ryu,Ken go after Bison I will handel this guy" Tom told Ryu and Ken. Then Tom and Bisons apprentece fought after a bloody battle Tom was victorys however when Tom declared victory Bison hit him with a sword. "I would make you my apprentice but your kindness is to strong" Bison said as he went into his castle. Ryu stared and at his best friend dieing he wanted to take him to the hospital but Tom said "no Ryu you and Ken must get Bison Stepanie and Jean will take me there". After that Ryu and Ken fought Bison the great battle lasted 9 hours but in the end Ryu an Ken were victorys. After a long day Ryu and Ken parted ways "im sure we will see each other again" Ken said. Then we walked with Jean into the sunset Ryu then visted Tom. He was okay and would out of the hospital in weeks Ryu and Stepanie were then married and had a son. Who would grow to be a hero but with every hero comes a villan. So that ends my story Hoped you enjoyed it.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Five senses
If I had to give up one of my senses, it would be touch, because then when people try to prank you they wont think it is funny.
p.s. This is realy corny dont copy me it will suck trust me.
p.s. This is realy corny dont copy me it will suck trust me.
Barack obama
I am very happy that Barack Obama is the president. I hope he will stick to his words about stopping the war. I also hope he can stop child labor in the USA and help many homeless people. I also hope he can help with child support. I think he will make a big change in the USA and I hope he does.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
child labor
In America students like Joseanna must drop out to go on the farm to help their family. They only get paid about two dollars a day. The M.E.T want to keep them in school to get an education. Also they can get a job so they can move out of the farm and get a good life. Take the food from the farm that don't have child labor. The M.E.T program also pays the children so they can stay off the farm because then they make money and get an education.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The farm
I am farmer in the usa I am twelve years old. Everyday I must get at least
50 eggs. I feel like im in perison like I am not important like if I die theyb wont care tere devils. I wish I was dead but whats the point of comnitting suicide without knowing what lifes about.I somtimes think other people have all the luck I wish I was an american.
50 eggs. I feel like im in perison like I am not important like if I die theyb wont care tere devils. I wish I was dead but whats the point of comnitting suicide without knowing what lifes about.I somtimes think other people have all the luck I wish I was an american.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I don't think tattoos are bad, because only gangs wear them and they are just plain bad. They are also killing dead skin. Also people won't hire you for a job, because they will think you are crazy. Plus, you can't get it off. So you wasted money for nothing. On the other hand, people will think it is cool. You will be cool and have lots of friends. You can impress women. Also, it lets people know you're cool and stuff.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
becoming a gold miner
I am a gold miner everyday I must wake up every moring and go to work. Somtimes I wonder why we must do this my mom says its for the good of the family. Somtimes I wish I was dead and that I was never born. They say gold makes people rich but am still poor. Everyday I wish I could be a normel kid and learn to read and write. I hate my job but my dad said if I dont work he will hit me. I get paid so little I hardly eat somtimes I wonder why god make us do this.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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