Friday, March 19, 2010

remote control world

1. How is fighting an enemy with predator drones different from fighting hand-to-hand combat? How is it similar?

i believe that its different because if your home at still killing other people and still be able to see your family it takes away the worry that you might not come back and its safer in hand to hand combat there's a really good possibility that you will die and never see your family. Its also simliar cause thenyour still killing people and at war.

2. Is fair to fight with predator drones when your enemy doesn’t have that technology?

I believe that if they attacked us first then it is fair cause if they can catch us off guard why can't we catch them off guard?

3. Would you be interested in flying predator drones for the military? Why or why not?

I think i would cause it seems like i wouldn't have to worry bout dieing and never seeing my family plus i think i would be better doing technology than hand to hand

Friday, March 5, 2010


1.  What were the most interesting parts in this documentary?

I think seeing what happens when piercings go to far was the interesting part cause it showed what happens when you get to many piercings.

2.  Name at least three reasons why people get pierces.

i  guess 1 reason why people get piercings it to express themselfs another reason i guess is to look cool. Also a reason would be to be goth i guess since goth people are always wearing a lot of piercings.

3. Do different pierces say different things about people?  For example, does having your ears pierced say something different then having an eyebrow ring?

i don't think so cause its still  a piercing no matter where it is

4. is there such a thing as to many piercings?

yes  i think because there are people who have piercings all over there face and it looks really wrong.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Game addction

1. Do you think its possibale to get addctied 2 gaming why or why not?
yes cause games are very funny and fun to play and to pass the time.

2. What happens in treatment centers for gaming addiction in south korea?
students are giving counseling and can't use any type of technoldgy for 10 days or more.

3. What were some diffrences you noticed between american culture and south korean culture?
I think we are not as addctied to games as they are plus we didn't call game addtcion a disease.