Sunday, November 15, 2009
Dear stealers
what you did is somthing I think was very very wrong. I think its wrong because other people use the computer that you stole and some of there work is on it. Also schools have to pay a lot for the computer.
Friday, October 2, 2009
a) Describe the environments shown in the videos you choose. What plants or animals lived there?
the first video i saw was in the water and it showed seals and sharks
b) How are the places you saw different from the nature we have in New York City? How, if at all, are they similar?
the water,forest and pond all have many animals the city doesn't. Also i personally think the water forest is more beatiful than the city.
c) Of the environments you saw, which were the most interesting? If you could travel to one, which would it be and why?
i would go too the forest because its the most beatufil place.
the first video i saw was in the water and it showed seals and sharks
b) How are the places you saw different from the nature we have in New York City? How, if at all, are they similar?
the water,forest and pond all have many animals the city doesn't. Also i personally think the water forest is more beatiful than the city.
c) Of the environments you saw, which were the most interesting? If you could travel to one, which would it be and why?
i would go too the forest because its the most beatufil place.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
talking to robots
a) Did either of the machines come close to passing the Turing Test (did they seem human?)
not really there answers to my questions wasn't what i was expecting plus they write way too fast to be human.
b) What were some of the questions you asked them? Why?
i asked suzette about her family and all she talked about was creator.
c) Why do you think it’s so hard to design a machine that passes the Turing Test?
because robots can't have the real features of a human so its hard for them to answer questions.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The diffrence between a humanoid and an android is thats androids are gonna look like other humans humanoids are not. An uncanny valley is a place were robots who look too human went. I think that one thing that a robot will never have is a heart.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The break in girl friends story
Alright so we heard the boy friends side now lets hear the girl friends side. Well i can understand why shes mad i mean who wouldn't be. I picked C.) because its the right thing to do. I don't understand why people have to talk on th computer or phone when they can say it face to face. If you ask me its better when people talk face to face because it solves everything.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The break in boy friends story
I can't believe that the boy was desperate enough to break into his girl friends account and check her emails just because he thought she was cheating. I picked C.) which is what he should have done just ask her. Thats the honest and good thing to do but the boy i guess had different plans
he did what a stupid guy would do he break into her account. Now shes mad and I don't blame her i would be mad too he better find a way to make her happy or hes in trouble.
he did what a stupid guy would do he break into her account. Now shes mad and I don't blame her i would be mad too he better find a way to make her happy or hes in trouble.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Berethor king of Gondor
Long ago in the third age was a time of great kings and knights but it was also a home of great evil creatures. However the most evil creature was nightmare. Nightmare was an evil monster who was made my peoples dark energy. And hated everything but one thing destruction. Many years after nightmare was born he decided to wag war on the world of men. And made an army of orcs,serpants and blood hounds. Then in middle of the third age war came upon the world of men. There once three kings in the world of men and after fighting five years of war.They knew that if the war was to be won that nightmare was to be destroyed . They needed a weapon and not just any weapon a weapon so powerful it could destroyed nightmare forever. And who can craft such a weapon? the white wizard of course. They ask the white wizard to make this weapon and he agreed. He craft the weapon but gave them a warning he said "only one may wield this weapon one who will be the king of Gondor and will be born in the fourth age". So after that he incased nightmare in ice and made a gardian for the sword which remained in a deep dark tunnel. This gardian was maded of fire and rock after that the world of men fought a long bloody war. Then as the wizard predicted in the fourth age the hero was born his name Berethor a man whose name will go down history forever. Berethor was born in a village far away from Gondor. He also had a rough chidhood his father hated him and always yelled "THAT BOY WON'T BRING NOTHING BUT TROUBLE". Berethors mother on the other hand loved berethor and said he was special. Berethor father still didn't like Berethor and left the family saying it was for his own good. So without anyone to help them and work for them Berethor and his mother went poor quickly and was forced to move outside of the city. And although she was going though some tough times Berethors mother never gave up on Berethor. she took care of him and worked for him until she decided he needed to get a job. She told him "you will have to something for your life good luck my son" and Berethor told her "I won't let you down mom" "good boy" she said as she gave him a hug and let him go to town. Berethor started looking for a job as soon as he got in town but for some strange reason nobody would hire him in fact they hated him and called him names. Berethor ignored them as is mother told him to do and kept looking and looking till he found something he thought was cool. He looked at a blacksmith shop he asked the blacksmith to hire him and the blacksmith did. After that Berethor was trained to be a blacksmith the blacksmith couldn't pay well but Berethor didn't mind "as long as he pays" thought Berethor. In fact it was here were Berethor meet his new friend Sam. At first they were enemys trying to figure out who was better but then the other then they began to grow on each other. The blacksmith then made them some small swords and shields they used to practice with each other Berethor always won but Sam didn't mind. As the years went by Berethor grew stronger and more handsome the woman found him more cute. Then all the woman in Berethors village wanted to marry him. But all the men still didn't like him and said they couldn't marry him. Berethor didn't like them anyway he said they were to annoying and said they didn't like him for him. One day Berethor sat on a roof with Sam. "Sam do you believe in love?" asked Berethor to Sam "maybe" Sam replied "whether you believe in love or not I still think your lucky" "Why?" asked Berethor looking at Sam "what do mean why every woman in the village loves you,you should be happy" Sam said as he looked at the sunset "I guess" Berethor said "Its just that I want to find a girl who understands my pain and who could behind the muscles" Berethor said with a sigh "don't worry you'll find her" Sam said as he gave Berethor a tap on the back and got off the roof "i hope" Berethor said as he got down too. The next day their was a parade a very rich family was moving into the village. Berethor and Sam both climbed up a roof to see the family. But even from the great hight it was still hard to see the family. Then saw Berethor saw a large group of men gather around a women. Berethor then got of the roof and went to the group. He walk toward the group with a feeling in his spine and heart he didn't know why. Then when he got into the group he saw a beautiful red haired women. She then saw Berethor and walked towards him. "Hello my name is Morween" she told him "my name is Berethor" he told her kissing her hand like the kindest gentleman she blushed. "A little new to our village huh" Berethor said as he saw the rest of the family. "Hup father didn't like the other village a lot" " Im sure you will like this one" Berethor said as they look into each others eyes. "Morween here now!" said Morweens father."Comeing"she said and walked toward him. After that everything changed in Berethor life he felt the one thing he never felt befor love. They started dating and even somtimes meet in the village even had their first kiss at the time of sunrise. "I love you Morween"Berethor one day told her. "I love you to" she told him but Berethor saw dought in her eyes. He and her both knew they couldn't be together because of Morweens dad. They then saw everyone gather in one place. Morween father then grabed her and she ran with him. Berethor follwed them but then somone pulled him down to bow it was Sam. "Whats going on?" Berethor asked him Sam said nothing and put his head down to bow. Berethor looked up and saw the white wizard just a few feet away. Berethor quikly bowed so he would't show disrespect. The white wizard looked around verey wisley "you stand up" he said as he turned to Berethor. Berethor got to his feet "come here" the white wizard said Berethor walked toward him. "You are the one" the white wizard tould him "what do you mean?" Berethor said confused "the one to defeat Nightmare of coures" the white told Berethor to get inside his house. Berethor did this as everyone followed he saw the white wizard their as he got in. The wizard then tould him everything and vanished. The next day everyone got ready for Berethor to leave. Berethor told them he would not go unless Morween and Sam came too they agreed Berethor got A sword from the blacksmith.Food from the bakery and cloths from his mom the finest clothes Berethor mother gave him a kiss and said goodbye. Berethor,Morween and Sam then set of It was a long trip thankfully they weren't attacked then they reached their first destination the forest of death. It is said theat if any human enters they voices will be heard echoing down the mountains. as they were entering Berethor stoped and stood like a statue. "come on if want that sword we will have to go though" Sam said as he looked at Berethor, Berethor said nothing but looked at the forest. He could hear the haunted voices telling him to go away. Morween held Berethor hand that seemed to have broken the spell. They then entered the forest the forest seemed like a normal forest but it was home of deadly creatutres. There was a road that divided the forest in two everyone one agreed to stay on the road. However luck was not on their side for when they were half way through the forest they were attacked by blood hounds. They fought the blood hounds but there were to many to defeat. Berethor was then biten by one of the dogs and started to feel weird befor he lost conseance he saw arwors flying everywhere. When he awoke he saw he was souronded by Rangers and Morween and Sam. "When traviling thourgh the woods you should b more careful" He heared a man say that man was Elegost leader of the rangers. The rangers agreed to help Berethor,Morween and Sam through the woods on one condition that Berethor woulds help them with the war. Morween and Sam said they would help in the war while Berethor fought nightmare. The rangers then lead them to the mountains. "This is as far as we go" said Elegost as he said goodbye to Berethor "it was an honor fighting along side you" Berethor said as they turned to the caves. They entered the mountains "I have a bad feeling about this" Sam said to Berethor and Morween who for some reason would't leave each others side. Finally they got to the sword only to see giant made of rock and flames standing in there way. "who goes there" said the giant hes voice like thunder. Befor Berethor could speak the giant attacked trying to fight it with there swords they soon figured out that it would tke more than swords to beat the beast. "We need water" thought Berethor suddenly water started pouring from the ceiling. "Thats it!" Berethor said "Sam get on its head!" Berethor yelled to Sam "how?" he yelled back. "Get on his arm when I give the signal" Berethor yelled he then got in front of the monster and started making fun of him. The monster then punch the ground so hard that his fist got stuck. "Now!"Berethor yelled Sam jumped on the mosters arm took out his sword jumped of the monsters head and used his sword to crack open the crack. The monsters flames were put out and the rocks fell on him so he could't move. Berethor walked towrd the blade as if it was calling him he pick it up and could feel the swords power going into hes vains and felt invinsible. "Lets get out of here befor that monster gets back up" Berethor said to Morween and Sam and they escaped the mountains and headed towards nightmares arena."I guess this is where we say goodbye you were always my best friend" Sam told Berethor as he gave him a hug. "Please come back" Morween said "I will" said Berethor as they kissed. Morween and Sam then rode of on there horses. Right in time for the final battle between men and orcs it was here were they met the genarl Eoden "glad your here" he said then Morween and Sam stared fighting. Sam saw nightmares apprentice who was leading tthe orcs and fought him. Sam managed to cut of nightmares apprentice arm off "I will get you for this" he said as he retreated. Meanwhile Berethor got to the top of the stairs only to see nightmare ready for him holding the sword of despair. "I've been expecting you for quite some time now" He said "lets skip the talk and just fight" Berethor said "sounds good to me" nightmare said they charged at each other the moment the swords touched the was an earthquake that some say shook the earth. It was a long grooling fight but in the end Berethor stabed nightmare with sword. "NO!!!!" yelled as he exploded. Berethor again felt weird he feel again fell only to land in Morweens arms nightmares apprentice then charged at Berethor and Morween but Sam pushed them out of the way just in time. Then the men won the war then there was a funeral for Sam. Then Berethor and Morween got married. And Berethor was named king of gondor the end.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Text monster
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Blood Diamonds
If you have not heard something that I think is really wicked for any human being to do to another human being there are mean people called the R.U.F the revolutionary united front. And they are forcing very poor people to make them diamonds. There doing real evil things such as raping,killing and cut of limbs of children of baby. If a child was to find a small piece of diamond there were to give it to the boss and if they put it in there mouths or hid it or anything they were killed. I personally can't even watch this its just to sad please be careful about what diamonds you buy for all you know someone may have died making the diamond.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Chevron is a company where they want you to think they love the forest but like a lot of other company they trick you and they only love money. If you have not heard they currently made an oil spill in Ecuador this as some of you know this is very bad for the environment it can cause cancer and poison anyone who drinks the water. please don't encourage chevron if you love the rain forest please.
the manual for life
I have just seen the manual for life and I gotta say at first I didn't understand it but at the end I finally understood it. The video is about someone believing in something different that nobody else believed in. I can't really say if I agree or disagree with the message but if I believed in something that nobody believed in I would keep believing no matter what. And if you believe in something that nobody else believes in you should too.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant was born on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio. He died in July 23, 1885 because of throat cancer. He was also president of the United States 1869-1877. Ulysses S. Grant is personally my hero and not only because he was a great general he was also a hard working and determined man. He was a very respected general in the north during the civil war. He first became a hero at the battle of Vicksburg when he asked for no terms when the south accepted defeat. All he asked for was unconditional surrender. He also lead the union to one of the biggest battles, the battle of Shiloh, which was a union victory and lasted two days. On the first day, he was driven back, but having got re-enforcements he beat the south. At the end of the war, he shook hands with another great general Robert E. Lee and let them keep their horses. Therefore, Ulysses S. Grant is my Hero.
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